
n. 英国

n a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain’ is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom


1.Britain has no dispute with you or your people.


2.Britain in ’78 was the perfect backdrop.


3.Britain had enormous power across this region.


4.Britain’s last werewolf outbreak was in the ’20s.


5.Britain’s hardest prince is marrying a beautiful allamerican actress.

英国最勤奋上进的王子 将迎娶一位美丽的美国女演员

6.Britain drifted a long way northwards, and the shallow sea disappeared.

不列颠岛向北漂移了很远 浅海也消失了

7.Britain will be on show and we must put our best foot forward.

集中在不列颠身上 我们必须全力以赴 给全世界留下好印象

8.It’s often said that the british aren’t really an urban people, that we think the real Britain is out there in the countryside.

人们常说 英国 并非一个城市化的民族 人们认为 真正的英国人 都居住在乡村
