
n. 吹牛
vi. 吹牛, 自夸
vt. 夸口说, 自恃有

n. speaking of yourself in superlatives
v. show off


1.Men come in here, they drink, they boast to their friends, they boast to my girls.

男人们来到这 喝酒 对朋友自吹自擂 对姑娘们不停吹嘘

2.You boast of your prowess as a lover.


3.It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

不嫉妒 不自夸 不骄傲

4.You used to boast to your friends about what I do.


5.He was boasting about his toughness, about his hardness.

他当时在吹自己很强 很硬

6.If I say yes, you’ll think I’m boasting.

如果我说是 你会觉得我在自夸

7.boasting as it were over his intentions towards your daughter.


8.Love is not jealous, or boastful, or proud.

爱不是嫉妒 不是自夸 或自傲

9.boasting about his plans to farm tobacco.


10.And I don’t like to boast, but I am the best in my field.

不是要吹嘘 但是我也是行业中的佼佼者
