
n. 物品, 器具, 货物, 商品, 陶器
vt. 留心, 小心
a. 知道的, 意识到的, 留神的

n. articles of the same kind or material; usually used in combination: `silverware’, `software’


1.You weren’t just showing off our wares.


2.I’ll check the place out while they’re showing off the wares.

他们推销商品的时候 我就顺势查看下那地方

3.And the local entrepreneurs are setting out their wares.


4.Finally, someone with a good eye for wares.

终于 有人对商品有好的品味

5.I didn’t raise you to live in a ware house and eat off a bench.


6.So it occurred to me he’s either a collector himself or he’s selling his wares to other enthusiasts.

于是我想到 要么他自己就是个收藏家 要么他就是在向其他狂热者出售自己的贼赃

7.If we ware united, nothing can stand against us.

如果我们团结起来 没有什么能和我们对抗

8.And of course, anything past the tents is plastic ware.

当然 帐篷区全部用塑料餐具

9.Now you’ve got to peddle your wares along with everyone else.


10.Vendors selling their wares, bringing home a modest income.

小商小贩在叫卖货物 换来微薄的收入
