
pl. 细菌
[医] 细菌, [无芽胞]杆菌

n. (microbiology) single-celled or noncellular spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms lacking chlorophyll that reproduce by fission; important as pathogens and for biochemical properties; taxonomy is difficult; often considered to be plants


1.They’re the size of bacteria but no bacteria I’ve ever seen.

和细菌一样大小 但是我没见过的细菌

2.Mussels carry bacteria, and in order to survive harsh environments, the bacteria adapts.

贻贝中有细菌 为了在恶劣的环境中生存下来 病菌会进行自适应

3.What this is… is a bacteria, a naturally occurring bacteria, but some kid in this garage space has put a gene from a jellyfish in.

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4.We have phageresistance bacteria in the hydroponic lines to prevent that, which means that something got in and killed the good bacteria.

我们在水耕系统里加入了 噬菌体抗性菌株以避免这种情形 这代表有某种物质渗入 并且杀死了有益菌

5.We set out to find a bacteria that potentially could kill a lot of people, and what we found was a bacteria that potentially could save the world.

我们是去找 可能会害死很多人的细菌 结果我们找到了一种可能会拯救世界的 细菌

6.I have disrespect for microbes and bacteria.


7.There’s no coming back from that bacteria.


8.I’m worried this rash is the same bacteria.


9.Well, there’s no bacteria in my chicken salad.


10.They’re from the ’60s, and they have high levels of bacteria.

它们都太过时了 上面还有很多细菌
