
n. 附件, 围墙, 围绕
[化] 机壳; 外壳

n. a structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose
n. the act of enclosing something inside something else
n. a naturally enclosed space
n. something (usually a supporting document) that is enclosed in an envelope with a covering letter


1.You can still be with me in the enclosure.


2.So they can take it about the enclosure.


3.And from here on, the enclosures get more sacred, more exclusive.

从这里开始 越往里就越神圣 就越难进入

4.The only solution is an individual enclosure for each spider.

唯一的解决方法 就是每个蜘蛛住一个玻璃隔间

5.We put him in with a lioness in heat in the north enclosure.

我们在北边的围栏里 将他和一只正在 的母狮子关在一起

6.The three outer enclosures of the temple are very noisy.


7.A good racehorse is a passport to the owner’s enclosure.

一匹优秀的赛马 就是进入赛场的通行证

8.It’s amazing to see the enclosure from their point of view.

从他们的角度来看 他们的领地很惊艳

9.II see your enclosures are heavily fortified.


10.Guys, you need to get over to the gorilla enclosure.

伙计们 你们快来猩猩区
