
a. 紧张的, 拉紧的
v. (使)紧张, (使)拉紧
n. 时态

n. a grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions of time
v. increase the tension on
v. become tense, nervous, or uneasy
v. cause to be tense and uneasy or nervous or anxious


1.You’re very tense when she’s not around.

她不在你身边时 你总是很紧张

2.The body’s tense when it should be relaxed.

本该放松的时候 他的身体是紧绷的

3.I was kidnapped recently and I’m very, very tense.

我最近被绑架过 情绪很紧张

4.It is its past tense from which it cannot separate itself.


5.Catherine, I know things have been tense.

凯瑟琳 我知道最近气氛紧张

6.He’s tense, focused on staying on message.

他很紧张 集中注意力想着该说的话

7.I didn’t ask you because things there are still tense.


8.Why you iling? I’m not iling. I’m tense and I’m agitated.

你笑什么? 我没笑,我很紧张

9.I love you, baby, even when you’re tense.

我爱你 宝贝 即使在你紧张的时候

10.Look, we’re obviously in a tense situation.

