
n. 收入, 收益, 流入
[经] 收益

n. the financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time


1.Other than that, you have no income.

除了这个 你没有任何收入

2.We also looked at your income, income sources, potential collateral.

我们还看了一下你的收入 以及收入来源 潜在抵押品

3.They don’t have a viable way to really earn an income or, in particular, middleclass income.

他们没有挣取收入的可行方式 或者更确切地说是 是中产收入水平

4.What’s this? Incoming, sir, for you.

这是什么 寄给您的东西 先生

5.Your brother invests for you so you have income.

你哥哥为你投资 你有稳定收入

6.He left it to me as a source of income.


7.Without any income, we had to foreclose.

由于她没有收入 我们只能取消赎回权

8.I am a magistrate, and he must have an income.

我是个地方长官 需要收入

9.We’re expecting more incoming from that mudslide.


10.You stay here and holler if there’s any incoming.

你留在这 有人来了就大声提醒我
