
n. 糖尿病, 多尿症
[医] 糖尿病; 多尿症

n. a polygenic disease characterized by abnormally high glucose levels in the blood; any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive urination and persistent thirst


1.I was trained as an diabetes specialist and I was even more sceptical of this idea because we equated diabetes with overnutrition.

我受训成为 糖尿病专家 我更加怀疑这个理论 因为我们将糖尿病等同于营养过剩

2.If I have diabetes, they won’t deploy me, and that’s it.

如果我有糖尿病 他们不会让我服役的 这样的话

3.I’m diabetic. I can’t eat any of this junk.

我有糖尿病 不能吃这种垃圾食品

4.Glucose is 74, so she’s not diabetic.

葡萄糖水平是74 她不是糖尿病

5.You’d think he’d be happy to have diabetes.


6.Because if you’re not diabetic, injecting this could be very dangerous.

因为如果你没有糖尿病 注射胰岛素可能会有危险

7.I don’t care if your cat has diabetes.


8.There’s sugary and then there’s ing diabetes.

甜蜜是一回事 你这是糖尿病了

9.Right, but here’s the thing: she is not diabetic.

对 但问题是 她不是糖尿病患者

10.I can’t help it, it’s like diabetes.

我控制不住自己 就像糖尿病一样
