
a. 核子的, 原子能的, 核的, 中心的
[医] 核的

a. (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy
a. of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom
a. of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell
s. constituting or like a nucleus


1.Electrical grids, financial institutions, the nuclear launch codes for every single nuclear weapon.

电网 金融机构 每一个核武器的密码

2.Depending on how much nuclear material was used, you could be looking at a nuclear fallout that could last for 30 years and kill thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands.

这取决于使用了多少核材料 可能会有持续30年的 核回落 上千人死亡 甚至数十万

3.They have a nuclear weapon, and we don’t.

他们有核武器 我们没有

4.We are on the brink of a nuclear event.


5.You have to understand, this my nuclear option.

希望您理解 这是我最后的选择了

6.This is a catastrophe. It’s not nuclear war.

这简直是灾难 这又不是核战争

7.They’re after the nuclear material in this facility.


8.I’m a neuroscientist, not a nuclear physicist.

我是神经科学家 不是核物理学家

9.The nuclear weapons are my responsibility, not yours.

取回那些核彈是我的責任 但不是你的

10.Then I guess we have a nuclear emergency.

