
n. 入门书, 初级读本, 雷管, 导火线, 底漆
[化] 底漆; 引物; 雷管; 导火线

n. an introductory textbook


1.Then perhaps you’re in need of a diplomatic primer.


2.I know, we blew our only set of primers.

我知道 唯一的引火线已经被我们用掉了

3.Right, I need a primer on fiber optics.

没错 我想了解一些纤维光学的东西

4.Striations on the round, strike mark on the primer.

子弹周围有擦痕 底漆上有标记

5.Spent casings are refilled with primer powder and a slug and then fired again.

给用过的弹壳 装上雷管火药和嵌片然后再次射击

6.With no more primers, it’ll be weeks before we can run another test.

没有导火线 我们得等好几周才能再做实验

7.You got your serum, your sunscreen, your primer, then your foundation, then your fixing powder and spray.

你涂了精华 防晒 妆前乳 然后涂粉底 然后是散粉和定妆喷雾

8.But, that dude’s a khakiwearin’ amnesiac, who’s somehow whiter now than when he was the color of paint primer.

但是那家伙已经完全失忆了 现在是个比当初 他脸上的油菜还要白的白人

9.It’s just a legal primer, it’s got tips on how to beat police entrapment and knock down the loitering charges.

这是法律入门知识 上面有关于如何逃过警察圈套 以及撤销游荡指控的小建议
