
adv. 往前, 以后, 向外

n. a river in southern Scotland that flows eastward to the Firth of Forth
r. forward in time or order or degree
r. out into view


1.So she’s back and forth, just very back…and forth.

就这样来回地摇 慢慢地摇啊摇

2.All day, back and forth, back and forth like that.

一整天 来来回回 来来回回

3.I’m getting seasick, all this back and forth, back and forth.

我要晕船了 你这么走来走去的

4.Back and forth, back and forth, like a grantdaddy clock.

前前后后 前前后后 就像爷爷的时钟一样

5.Use a brush like this and go back and forth, back and forth with a twist.

用这种刷子来回刷 来回打转地刷

6.The swerving continues for 10 seconds, as they fight for control, back and forth, back and forth.

轉向又持續了10秒鐘 他們在爭奪控制權 一左一右 一左一右

7.Back and forth, back and forth, shitting, puking, till all the shit and puke poured out of me.

前前后后 拉稀呕吐 直到所有的屎和呕吐物都排出去了

8.I didn’t want to give him the wheel, so I just thought I’d take the long road back…and forth, and back and forth, two or three times.

我不想让他开车 所以我就想着开最远的路 再开回来 开过来 开回去 绕个两三圈

9.”I,” is Italy and so on and so forth.

“I”来自意大利 如此等等

10.The queen is dead, so on and so forth.

