
adv. 精确地, 明确地, 刻板地, 拘泥地, 正好, 恰恰, 对, 正是如此, 确实如此, 不错

r. indicating exactness or preciseness
r. in a precise manner
r. just as it should be


1.A precise quantity cooked at a precise temperature for a precise time equals a chemical reaction.

精准的食材 精准的温度 精准的时间 才能完成化学反应

2.If he’s that precise he would be just as precise in his victimology.

如果他真有这么精确 就会精确选择被害人

3.Precises: those are parcels that have to be delivered at precise times.

限时件 这些包裹 必须要在时限内送到

4.But this is precisely why you are here.


5.Well, not precisely precisely, because you were gonna drop to your knees if they were industry.

倒也不完全一样 因为如果他们是业内人士 你都要跪了

6.Uh, the… the more precisely you measure a particle’s velocity, the less precisely you know its position.

粒子的速度 测量得越精准 得知其位置就越不准确

7.So perhaps the more precisely you attempt to take my measure, the less precisely you will know my position.

所以也许你越准确地试图使用我的测量 你就越不知道我的准确位置

8.Because this exact leaf had to grow in that exact way in that exact place so that precise wind could tear it from that precise branch and make it fly into this exact face at that exact moment.

因为这片叶子必须长在那条道边的 那个特定的地方 好让那一股风 能把它从那根树枝上吹下 并且在那个时刻飞到了那个人的脸上

9.So, in many ways, it’s one of the industry’s best kept secrets, but our ysts have compiled all the publicly available data over the last 60 years, and so it might not be precise, but it’s as precise as anyone’s going to get.

所以由于多种原因 这是行业最高秘密之一 但我们的分析员们编辑了过去六十年 所有能够找到的公开数据 虽然不太精确 但已经无人能及了

10.Which is precisely why you shouldn’t quit.

正因如此 你才更不能辭職
