
vt. 烘焙, 烤
vi. 烤面包
n. 烘焙, 烤

v. cook and make edible by putting in a hot oven
v. prepare with dry heat in an oven
v. be very hot, due to hot weather or exposure to the sun


1.It’s a cookie baked into a pie baked into a cake.

是将饼干烤到派里 再把派烘焙进蛋糕里的甜点

2.We bake the white bread, we bake the brown bread.

我们会烘焙”白面包” 也会烘焙”黑面包”

3.You bake that same baked potato again, andand the flavors pop even more.

你把烘焙过的土豆再烘焙一次 土豆就更加香气四溢了

4.He looks like a potato, a baked potato, a talking baked potato.

他长得像土豆 烤土豆 一个会说话的烤土豆

5.Wewe baked some baked goods with turmeric, which was disgusting but also helped with inflammation.

我們還烤了一些加了姜黃的東西 惡心極了 不過有助于消炎

6.I’m baking something I hope will get added to her list of memorable bakes my pear frangipane tart.

我希望我做的甜品能够进入 她的最爱名单 香梨杏仁奶油饼

7.Line the tin with baking parchment and fill with baking beans, firmly pushing the beans to the edge to prevent the paper from lifting up.

在烤盘里放入烤盘纸 加入烘焙豆 把豆子压紧 防止烤盘纸翘起来

8.Because we’re gonna bake these, this will create something very different, this will create something that is gonna bake and probably be quite crunchy.

因为我们这次打算用烤的 所以效果应该会大不相同 馅饼皮在烘烤过后 会变得非常酥脆

9.Now, when you’ve lined your tart shell, it looks like this, but what you must do is overlap the sides, then bake it off, but you need baking beans, the paper underneath, and it takes about 20 minutes at around 180 degrees.

当你铺好酥皮时 它看上去像这样 但你必须要让四周贴模具然后再烤 你需要些烘培豆 在下面垫纸 这需要在180度下烤约20分钟

10.Not only did I bake it. I decorated it, too.

我不仅做了蛋糕 我还给蛋糕做了点装饰
