
n. 充分, 很多, 丰富
a. 很多的, 足够的, 丰富的

n. a full supply


1.plenty of firepower and plenty of spectacle and it’s happening tonight.

要上演一场精彩绝伦的表演 而且演出就在今晚

2.You had plenty of places to go and plenty of people who care.

你有很多地方可去 有很多人关心你

3.It’s a hightraffic area, which means plenty of exhaust, and therefore plenty of platinum.

这里车流量大 代表会有很多废气排放 也就表示会有很多铂金

4.Just do it; I’ve talked my way past plenty of cops at plenty of checkpoints in my life.

照我说的做 我说服过 很多检查站的警察让我安全通过

5.There’s plenty of other wretches for me.


6.We have plenty of other weapons here.


7.If you do not have the stomach for it, there are plenty that do.

要是你没胆量下手 多的是人可以做

8.plenty of time to do what I have to do.


9.And while she does, there is plenty for us to do.

在她适应期间 我们有很多事情要做

10.And she’s had plenty to compare you with.

