
a. 失望的

v fail to meet the hopes or expectations of
s disappointingly unsuccessful


1.I wouldn’t want to disappoint you by not disappointing you.


2.I’m disappointed, too. I mean, it’s disappointing.

我也感到失望 太令人失望了

3.So you tanked the game in front of those scouts today, disappointing those kids, disappointing your teammates, disappointing your race.

所以你今天在球探面前放弃比赛 让孩子们失望 让你的队友失望 让你的种族失望

4.That is that is that’s very disappointing.

这 这 这真让人失望

5.I would be disappointed for you, not for me.

我是为你而失望 而不是为我自己失望

6.I would be disappointed if you didn’t.

如果你没走 我会很失望的

7.I’d be disappointed in you if you didn’t.


8.And then all I did was disappoint you.


9.I figured you were gonna be the biggest disappointment, but you turned out to be the allest disappointment.

我原以为你会是最大的失望 结果你是最小的失望

10.I disappoint him, he disappoints me, the sun sets, a new day begins.

我让他失望 反之亦然 日出了 又是新的一天
