
n. 热区;热点

n a place of political unrest and potential violence
n a point of relatively intense heat or radiation
n a lively entertainment spot


1.But first, we’re gonna hit the hotspots.

但首先 我们得去一趟热点

2.Look, a significant hotspot rift has opened.


3.It’s a le ian hotspot which you obviously know nothing about.

是一家蕾丝边 显然你根本不知道

4.The boxing gym is a notorious hotspot for illegal steroids.

拳击馆是非法激素的 出名热点地区

5.I want addresses, hotspots where a sighting is most likely to blow up on social.

我要知道目击新闻最可能在 社交媒体上引爆的地址和热点地区

6.The sniffer looks like a mobile hotspot, so just set it out on the table, and I’ll do the rest.

这个嗅探器看上去就像一个移动热点装置 所以你只要把它放在桌上就行 剩下的就交给我吧

7.By pinpointing hotspots of illegal hunting, guards could target areas more strategically and efficiently.

通过偷猎的易发区 精确定位 警卫可以更准确有效的追踪目标

8.But there was one fluty hotspot in particular where she knew the local lovelies would come in droves.

那里有个特别热门的地点 她知道当地美女会在那里聚集

9.We got a reaper on station in your vicinity picking up an unknown hotspot 200 meters ahead.

你附近的一架死神无人机 在你前方200米发现不明热源

10.The tabloids, they’ve got hold of the fact that he’s downloaded a bunch of via the hotspot using data covered by your plan.

那些八卦小报掌握了事实证据 可以证明他下载了很多 是通过热点下载的 数据费用是从你这边扣的
