
vt. 埋葬, 埋藏

v. cover from sight
v. place in a grave or tomb
v. place in the earth and cover with soil
v. embed deeply


1.Better still, bury it before it buries you.

最好能毁了它 在它毁了你之前

2….that are still buried over there and those that came home to be buried.


3.So you bury yourself in your work, but then you’re so buried in your work that you are left out.

所以你埋头工作 而后来你沉迷工作 因此被我们疏远

4.You should’ve just buried me with her and thrown me in that hole and buried me with her.

你就该 把我和她葬一起 把我也丢进那个坑里 把我和她葬一起

5.Either your mother had it in her possession when she was buried, or it was somehow buried with her.

要么是 妈被埋时候的随身物品 要么是不知道怎么回事一起埋进去的

6.Those you have buried and those you could not.


7.No, no, that’s where they should bury me.

不 不 我是说我死了想埋在哪儿

8.Fury said that he buried that intel when he decided not to bury coulson.

弗瑞说当他决定不埋葬科尔森时 他埋葬了该情报

9.But I want to bury that story and I need a big event to bury it under.

可我想把那事按下去 我需要更大的事来盖过它

10.It can bury him the same way it’s buried everybody else who’s had it in their hands.

它会像埋葬其他拥有过它的人一样 埋葬了芬克的
