
n. 症状, 征候, 征兆
[医] 症状

n. (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
n. anything that accompanies X and is regarded as an indication of X’s existence


1.Every symptom she had spelled grippe, but just the same, all of those symptoms could have been caused by strep, and uh, if we had waited until we were sure, it might have been too late.

她的一切症状都符合流行性感冒 可是同样 这些症状也可能由链球菌引起 如果我们等到确认的话 可能为时已晚

2.What the circles represent are diseases, symptoms and risk factors, and what the lines represent are the relationships between those, so based on that, the computer has taught itself actually how strongly related those diseases, symptoms and risk factors are.

这些圆圈代表的是疾病 症状以及风险因素 这些线条代表的是几个元素之间的关系 基于这些元素 计算机已经自学了 这些疾病 症状和风险因素 之间的联系有多么紧密

3.We’re saying that we are going to create a machine that can eventually hopefully tell you about your disease as accurately as a doctor can, that can give you your treatment better than most doctors can, that can look faster, cheaper, at variations of symptoms, billions of variations of symptoms, as well as if you had one of the best doctors in the world in your pocket.

我们要发明一种设备 它能像医生一样准确地告诉你 你的病情如何 它提供的治疗方案 强于大多数医生 它价格低廉 却能更快速地 识别不同的症状 多达数十亿种的不同症状 就好像世界上最好的医生 就装在你的口袋里

4.But all of her symptoms point to it.


5.I have a headache. It’s my only symptom.

我头痛 这是我唯一的症状

6.Had a temperature, he had flu symptoms.

发烧 还有其他流感症状

7.She was mortified that she overreacted to her symptoms.


8.Not as long as your symptoms are suppressed.


9.Caroline, I’m not having symptoms, if that’s what you’re worried about.

卡罗琳 我没有出现幻觉 你没必要担心

10.The girls had no symptoms at all for weeks.

几周来 那几个女生一点症状都没有
