
n. 熏衣草, 淡紫色
a. 淡紫色的
vt. 用熏衣草熏

n. any of various Old World aromatic shrubs or subshrubs with usually mauve or blue flowers; widely cultivated
n. a pale purple color
s. of a pale purple color


1.It’s not overwhelm…is it lavender? It’s lavender.

味道不强烈 是薰衣草吗 是薰衣草

2.There you have it, lemon and lavender posset, with lavender biscuits.

在你面前的就是 柠檬薰衣草牛乳酒 配上薰衣草饼干

3.One of the strange things is when I actually ell lavender, and indeed, eat lavender, it reminds me of my nan.

奇怪的是 当我闻到薰衣草香 还有品尝薰衣草的时候 会想起我的奶奶

4.Then, the star of the recipe, lavender.

接下来加入食谱的主角 薰衣草

5.So, no, we’re very well suited for lavender.

所以并不难 我们非常适宜种植薰衣草

6.I’m telling you, that was the lavender one.

我告诉你 是淡紫色的那个

7.Your dog is shitting on my lavender.


8.To which I’m going to add some lavender, straight in.

还要加入一些薰衣草 直接放入

9.So I made a lavender and apple jelly.


10.The man… he elled of lavender and ja ine.

