
a. 多云的, 有愁容的, 云的, 浑浊的
[建] (混)浊的

s. lacking definite form or limits
a. full of or covered with clouds
s. (of liquids) clouded as with sediment


1.It’s only cloudy like that because of the charcoal.

因为木炭含量过高 所以水有点浑浊

2.There’s all this cloudy crap coming into the liquid.


3.I know, but then my head got all cloudy.

我知道 但是我突然灵机一动

4.The future is cloudy, but you will be reunited.

未来很模糊 但你们会重聚的

5.Partly cloudy is at night, when there’s no sun.


6.It was a gray and cloudy day, so we had the beach to ourselves.

那天阴沉多云 所以海滩上只有我们

7.Water’s cloudy, she doesn’t know what she saw.

水很渾濁 她不清楚看到的是什麼

8.Yes, conceptually, it all seems to be there, but the specifics are cloudy.

对 所有概念性的东西都还在 但具体的东西却很模糊

9.It looks almost like milk, it’s so cloudy.

看上去就像牛奶 很浑浊

10.Yeah. It’s just a cloudy glass of water.

是啊 只是一杯浑浊的水
