
n. 自由式

n. a race (as in swimming) in which each contestant has a free choice of the style to use


1.It was very clever what you did at the freestyle battle.


2.If this is freestyle, I pick the topic.

如果是自由创作 就由我来选主题

3.He was freestyling down on the corner of 23rd.


4.Is it freestyle or prepared? It’s mine.

你是自由发挥还是事先准备的 我编的

5.All freestyle and drunk in my backseat and shit.

随心所欲的 在我的车后座喝得烂醉

6.Elaine, you know, she likes to freestyle.

伊莱恩 她喜欢自由发挥

7.Damn, I ain’t know you could freestyle, too.

天 我都不知道你也会”花式说唱”

8.We feel the beat, let it flow, freestyle.

我们感受节奏 顺其自然 自由创作

9.A lot of people limit krump to freestyling.


10.I’m actually a singersongwriter, specializing in freestyle song.

其实我是个创作型歌手 擅长即兴创作歌曲
