
n. 射箭术

n. the sport of shooting arrows with a bow


1.No, but I excelled in archery far beyond you.

的确 但我的箭术比你要好得多

2.I was just giving him some archery tips.


3.It wasn’t only the fantastic special archery that caught our eye in this episode.

这一集抓人眼球的 不只是精彩绝伦的射箭比赛

4.I’ve got no socks, no breeches and an archery session to go to.

我没袜子和裤子穿 马上还要去练箭

5.archery doesn’t fill concert halls or pay the bills.

箭术既不能在音乐厅表演 也不能付清我的账单

6.No one dabbles in archery unless they’re at summer camp.

除非是在夏令营里 不然没人会去玩箭术

7.Luckily, I was able to get to my archery set and hunting cape.

幸好 我拿到了我的箭和打猎披肩

8.Come on. I went to archery camp, I got great aim.

来吧 我参加过射箭训练营 准头很好

9.I mean, I got six bull’seyes in gym class when we did the archery unit.

我们上弓箭课时 我射中了六次靶心

10.I taught myself archery, ran away, and pretended I was at a madeup boarding school.

我自学了射箭 逃离了家 假装我在一所编出来的寄宿学校里上课
