
a. 荒谬的, 不合理的, 可笑的
n. 荒诞

n. a situation in which life seems irrational and meaningless
s. inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense
s. incongruous; inviting ridicule


1.I feel absurd. I don’t like feeling absurd.

太蠢了 我不喜欢蠢的感觉

2.She did do that, but this is absurd.

她确实这么做了 但这个说法实在荒谬

3.Don’t be absurd. I’ve never seen you before.

荒唐 我之前从没见过你

4.They bring with them the most absurd superstitions.


5.Part of it is the absurdity of the situation.


6.I had the absurd feeling that he walked out with me.

我有种荒唐的感觉 他跟我一起走了出来

7.If this absurd plot of yours fails… It won’t.

如果你这荒诞的计划失败 不会的

8.It’s meaningless, and it’s showy, and it’s absurd.

这根本毫无意义 就是在炫耀 太荒唐

9.Lizzy, don’t be absurd. I don’t have any friends.

莉兹 别说傻话 我根本没朋友

10.I think that’s the most absurd idea.

