
n. 芝加哥

n. largest city in Illinois; a bustling Great Lakes port that extends 26 miles along the southwestern shoreline of Lake Michigan


1.You could have called me from Chicago.


2.Chicago is a dangerous place for you.

對你來說 芝加哥很危險

3.He thought it was Chicago and it was 1932.

他以为这是芝加哥 是1932年

4.We have the dirtiest laundry in Chicago.


5.Guess you’re off to Chicago, then, buddy.

看来你要去芝加哥了 伙计

6.I didn’t wanna go to Chicago, debra.

我不想去芝加哥 黛布拉

7.Yeah he showed up at my hotel room here in Chicago.

是 他突然出现在我芝加哥的酒店房间

8.But you know how it is when you’re a hotblooded Chicago teenager, man.

但是你懂的 作为血气方刚的芝加哥青年

9.We should pull the files on new york and Chicago.


10.Chicago girl, civic duty, you know how it is.

芝加哥女孩 公民义务 你知道那一套的
