
n. 宗族, 部落, 一群人
[医] 族(生物分类)

n. a social division of (usually preliterate) people
n. a federation (as of American Indians)
n. (biology) a taxonomic category between a genus and a subfamily


1.You told me they were slaughtered tribe by tribe so that our ancestors could settle.

你告诉我他们的部落一个一个被灭掉 这样我的祖先才能定居下来

2.And then there’s me. I don’t have a tribe.

最后还有我 不属于任何一个群体

3.My tribe has been here for generations.


4.If she was in our tribe, she wouldn’t just be some lackey.

如果她是我们部族的一员 她才不会只是个小喽啰呢

5.No other tribe was able to do that back then.

这在当时 其他部落是做不到的

6.about being a leader, about our tribe, about… cyper.

关于如何当一名首领 关于我们的部族 关于 柏草

7.You’re on an island with two tribes.

你在玩推理题 一切要靠智商推断

8.You see, we have the same problem that the tribes did.

当年部落面临的问题 我们也遇到了

9.It was her tribe that turned her into this thing.


10.She should be with us, with her tribe, with her blood.

她应该与族里的先辈们埋在一起 与她的血亲在一起
