
n. 用力擦洗, 矮树, 矮人, 渺小之物
vt. 用力擦洗, 擦掉, 摩擦
vi. 擦洗干净, 进行手臂消毒
a. 次等的, 矮小的, 非正规球队的, 临时凑合的

n. dense vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes
n. the act of cleaning a surface by rubbing it with a brush and soap and water
v. clean with hard rubbing
v. wash thoroughly


1.If he tells you to scrub the grill, you scrub the grill.


2.then a honeyalmond body scrub, and on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub.

然后用蜂蜜杏仁身体磨砂膏 面部则用去角质凝胶磨砂膏

3.「I hope you’re not too scrubbed out.


4.You won’t be scrubbing in as my assist.


5.I’m about to scrub in, and there’s no attending here.

我马上要进手术室了 没有主治医师在场

6.So no, you will not be scrubbing in.

所以 不行 你不能参与手术

7.And be grateful that you’re not scrubbing toilets no more.


8.I don’t think I’ve seen you out of scrubs.


9.I have to strip off his clothes and scrub him down.

我得把他的衣服都拔掉 全身刷干净

10.I’m asking you to scrub them again, candidate.

我让你再去清理一次 后备队员
