
vt. 使恼怒, 骚扰

v. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations


1.Why is it annoying? I wouldn’t find it annoying.

為什么會招人煩 我怎么不覺得

2.Well, I don’t know about annoying him, but you’re starting to annoy me.

我不知道你这样做会不会惹烦他 但你倒是有点惹烦我了

3.Because you’re annoying and you shouldn’t be here.

因为你很讨厌 你不应该来这里

4.Sorry we said you were annoying, or sorry for not telling you you were annoying earlier.

对不起我们说你很烦人 也对不起之前没告诉你你很烦人

5.But sometimes, someone is so annoying it’s easier to give in, so…congratulations, you just reached that level of annoying.

但有时 遇到特别烦人的人 屈服会少很多麻烦 所以恭喜了 你的烦人程度刚好够

6.It’s very big. It’s very annoying.

可大手笔呢 可劲儿的烦人呢

7.You’re annoyingly good at what you do.


8.She’s too annoyed and I don’t blame her.

太心烦意乱 我完全可以理解

9.So I could be sitting here, annoyed at you.


10.No, it’s annoying, and I’m right not to.

那样很烦人 我不听就对了
