
n. 需要, 必需品, 必然
[法] 必要性, 必然性, 必要

n. the condition of being essential or indispensable
n. anything indispensable


1.No, that was more necessity than preference.

不 比起偏好 更应该说是必须吧

2.What I do, I just do. It’s out of necessity.

我该出手时就出手 都是有必要的

3.This is not vanity, this is necessity.

这不是虚荣心在作怪 这是必须的

4.Some of the things he did were, by necessity, cruel.

不可避免地 他做过一些残忍的事

5.A, they can acquire necessities for themselves.

第一 他们可以为自己添置必需品

6.I’ve loaded the baskets with all the necessities.


7.I’m a necessity, the complement to your cowardice.

因为你的胆小 我是必要的

8.A necessity to obtain not his truth but yours.

从他口中而非你口中 获取事实真相的必要手段

9.This will not be easy, but it is a necessity.

這不會輕松的 但你必須要來

10.I’m a contrarian by necessity, not by choice.

我不是绝对逆向思维 而是出于必要性
