
n. 必死的命运, 死亡数目, 死亡率
[医] 必死性, 死亡率

n. the quality or state of being mortal

mortality的用法和例句 can always run back to your mortal friends at your mortal school, into the arms of your mortal boyfriend.

你可以随时回去 上凡人学校 找凡人朋友们 回到凡人男友的怀抱

2.Like, mortal mortal? It’s a long story, but kind of.

你是凡人 说来话长 不过是的

3.Because your flesh is mortal, and in the end, all mortal flesh must burn.

因为你是肉体凡胎 到最后 肉体凡胎都会深陷火海

4.Your flesh is mortal, and in the end, all mortal flesh must die.

你的肉体是会死亡的 最终 一切的肉体都终将消亡

5.Your punishment for killing another sidhe is a mortal body and a mortal life.

作为杀害另一个希德的处罚 给与你凡人的身躯和凡人的生命

6.Charlotte was of his kind, and she was mortal.

夏洛特和他是一类的 她不是永生的

7.We are mortals all, extravagant in our weakness.

我们都是凡人 都贪图享乐

8.It does make me think about my own mortality.


9.From this moment on, you are my mortal enemy.

从现在起 你就是我的死敌

10.In doing that, he put himself in mortal danger.

为了阻止他们 他置身于致命的危险中
