
a. 不寻常的, 罕见的, 与众不同的

a. not usual or common or ordinary
s. not commonly encountered


1.So it’s not unusual? It’s bad luck, but not unusual.

那么不算少见 是不太走运 但不少见

2.It’s a very unusual happening and it’s a very unusual bonding.

这是件很不平凡的事 它是个非比寻常的连结

3.Hecate is an unusual name. I had unusual parentage.

这名字可不常见 我家父母非比寻常

4.I’m tracking unusual activity on my unusual activity tracker.

我正在用不正常活动检测仪 追踪不正常的活动

5.There’s nothing unusual in the ultrasound that I can see, other than it all being a little bit unusual.

超声波检查里看不到什么不寻常的地方 除了一切本来都有点不寻常

6.Of course I am used to being with one of your detectives, it’s most unusual that we have the honor of an inspector, even more unusual that he should bring his wife.

当然了 我已经习惯有警探来这里了 不过督察莅临 可是不常见 但更不常见的是 你把你的妻子也带来了

7.And as far as I understand, the prediction is that we will see something unusual, which will be a sign of an unusual object, a wormhole.

据我的理解 预测的结果表明我们会看到 不同寻常的现象 这一定程度上能够证实某种特殊物质的存在 也就是虫洞

8.But there are more unusual sculptures here.


9.This is unusual. I’ve not seen this before.

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10.That we had an unusual effect on each other.

