
n. 涡轮机
[化] 涡轮机

n. rotary engine in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted into mechanical energy by causing a bladed rotor to rotate


1.deliberately creating a short, which will then send a surge to the external turbine motor, which will briefly become overcharged, forcing the turbine to clear the motor.

故意制造短路 这就会在外涡轮电机上产生一个电涌 导致电机短时过电压 迫使涡轮电机重启

2.No. I have not detected the jet turbines.

没有 我没有检测到喷气机

3.It all checks out, but the turbines won’t respond.

都没问题 但涡轮机就是没有反应

4.Toby, that goes straight to the turbine.

托比 那玩意直接朝涡轮去了

5.The plant’s turbines were powered by highpressure steam.


6.These must be the wind turbines I’ve come to see.


7.I know, but we’ve gotta take out that second turbine.

我知道 但是我们必须摧毁第二个涡轮发动机

8.Mission control says we have a clogged turbine.

控制中心显示 有涡轮机出现阻塞

9.We need to prime the pump and run the turbine.

得让泵动起来 看看涡轮机的运转

10.The turbine rundown, they tried it last year.

断电后汽轮机惰性发电 他们去年做过
