
n. 葡萄牙人, 葡萄牙语
a. 葡萄牙的, 葡萄牙人的, 葡萄牙语的

n. the Romance language spoken in Portugal and Brazil
n. a native or inhabitant of Portugal
a. of or relating to or characteristic of Portugal or the people of Portugal or their language


1.Portuguese traders brought new goods and technologies from every corner of their trading empire.

葡萄牙商人从其贸易帝国的各个角落 带来新货物和新技术

2.She bought my ignorance with baked goods while she carried out her plan to steal pieces of the machine with thethat damn Portuguese sweet bread.

她用那些好吃的东西迷惑了我 同时实行了她的计划 用可恶的葡萄牙面包忽悠我 然后偷走了那机器的零件
