
n. 铝
a. 铝的

n a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite


1.It’s an industrial city, it has a huge aluminium elter and that was the scene of the socalled aluminium war.

这是一座工业城市 有一个巨大的铝冶炼厂 也是所谓的铝矿之战的主战场

2.That’s why it has a carbonfibre tub and an aluminium subframe.

这也是它选择碳纤维座舱 以及铝合金车架的原因

3.The body and the chassis are made entirely of aluminium.


4.Flakes of aluminium, which came from bits of the can and the tank.

铝片 由罐头和气罐碎片产生的

5.100 miles of wiring and nearly 75 tonnes of aluminium.


6.Sapphire’s an aluminium oxide, but the glacier is just a compound silicon with iron pigmentation.

蓝宝石是一种氧化铝 可那片冰川只是一片硅化合物 加上铁沉积而已

7.And in one hand, I’ll have an aluminium camera housing, and in another hand, I’ll have this hightech shark billy.

我要一手拿着铝制摄像机防护罩 一手拿着这个高科技防鲨警棍

8.In this perspective, all this brightness here is because of the projectile that has sheared off at the moment of impact and is impacting this aluminium plate that’s lying down on the surface.

这么看来 呈现的所有光亮 是来自在受冲击的那刻 从抛射体上剥离的碎片 同时撞击到了下面铺设的铝制板

9.The gelatine bird is then packed into a sabot, an aluminium casing that fits snugly into the barrel of the cannon so it can be fired oothly.

胶质鸟模型被放入软壳中 这种铝制外壳 能让发射物紧密贴合炮身 保证物体流畅地被发射

10.I actually see the wiring inside the spacecraft and the things switching on and off, and when it goes in, that’s what I’m going to see in my mind is the aluminium melting on the structure.

我其实想到的是飞行器内部的布线 和不断开启关闭的设备 当卡西尼坠落时 我脑中会想象到的画面 就是铝制结构在融化
