
a. 顽固的, 不听话的, 执拗的, 棘手的

a. tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield


1.I know you’re stubborn… I’m not stubborn.

我知道你很固执 我不固执

2.When things get too hot, those stubborn stains, like stubborn spouses, can dig in and set.

如果太热 那些顽固污渍 就好像顽固的伴侣一样 会扎下根来

3.I told her don’t do it, but she’s stubborn.

我和她说了别去 但她很执拗

4.I don’t know why you’re being so stubborn.


5.I should have protected you, but I was stubborn.

我应该保护你 但我太固执了

6.He’s kind of stubborn, but then again, so are you.

他這人有些固執 但是你也是

7.With patience and…stubbornness, here we are, finally.

耐心和坚持 终于成就了我们

8.You are the most stubborn creature on this earth.


9.All I’m saying is that you could benefit by not being so stubborn.

我想说的是 你稍稍变通一点 对你有好处的

10.She was stubborn, she was rude, she was disrespectful.

她固执 她鲁莽 她不懂礼数
