
n. 骡, 倔强之人

n. hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse; usually sterile
n. a slipper that has no fitting around the heel


1.It got so rugged that the mules could not make it, and finally what they had to do was take the loads and the saddles off the mules.

道路实在是太崎岖了 骡子都前行不了 最后士兵们不得不 卸下骡子身上的负荷和鞍

2.mules come in from various locations, loaded, leave their vehicles, someone takes the vehicles, removes the load, and returns it with the mule’s payment.

骡子带着货从各地赶来 把车留下 有人会把车开走 卸下货 并将骡子的酬劳与车一起归还

3.And I wouldn’t be a mule. I wouldn’t be a dealer.

我也不会运毒 不会成为毒贩

4.I can’t mule crank. I don’t have the system.

我销不了 我没有内部关系

5.You can’t offer me your mule for my thoroughbred.


6.Pretty is not a prerequisite for muling.

长相可不是运 的必要条件

7.Gustavo, he’s the best mule we have.

古斯塔沃 他是我们最好的骡子

8.I was riding a mule, I thought that was why.

我骑骡子来的 我还以为是这个原因

9.The rider, a mule, a stick, and a carrot.

主谋[骑手] 受迫者[骡子] 惩罚[大棒] 奖励[胡萝卜]

10.Okay, we need a mule to carry them out of here.

我们需要个苦力来把 带出去
