
n. 快艇, 游艇
vi. 驾游艇, 乘游艇

n. an expensive vessel propelled by sail or power and used for cruising or racing
v. travel in a yacht


1.And he has a yacht with a pool on it and a pool with a yacht in it.

他有一艘带泳池的游艇 还有一个带游艇的泳池

2.I’m gonna take the rest of the day off to lounge on my yacht, the ss I have a yacht and you don’t.

今天我接下来的时间就去游艇上躺着了 我有游艇你们没有

3.We were on a yacht with these bankers.


4.And the football player on the yacht.


5.It’s not a cabin cruiser, it’s a yacht.

那不是可住宿的游艇 就是艘快艇

6.We had permission to party on his yacht.


7.But then he died, an accident on his yacht.

但后来他就死了 游艇意外

8.You said that his father told you that they were on his yacht.

你说了他爸告诉你 他们都在游艇上

9.It’s what’s in your noggin that’s gonna buy him a yacht.


10.You certainly would buy yourself a wellearned yacht.

你当然乐意了 赚钱买游艇啊
