
adv. 非, 不

r negation of a word or group of words


1.In a game, there tends to be one and rational players, and a non conscious, non deliberative agent.

游戏里一般会有一个理性的玩家 和一个非理性的 非协商代理人

2.Jared is persona non grata, so he’s out.

杰瑞德不受欢迎 他肯定出局

3.And as I’m persona non grata, I can’t get to them.

由于我不受欢迎 我没法接近它们

4.He’s persona non grata on his way out.

他是要退休的不受待见的人 a non profound generalization of propositional calculus.


6.No, I chose you because you’re the most sexually non‐threatening squire.

不 我选你是因为 你是在性方面最不具威胁性的侍从

7.But it was your sister who paid for a non‐transferable ticket.

但其实是你姐姐 花钱买了不可转让的票

8.He told me he was persona non grata with the regime.

他和我说 自己是政场的眼中钉

9.He wants 30 seconds with the crew, non‐public.

他要跟队员进行三十秒非公开对话’re persona non grata right now. I understand.

你现在可不是受欢迎的人物 我理解
