
n. 最坏, 最坏的时候
a. 最坏的, 最恶劣的, 最不利的
adv. 最坏, 最糟

n. the least favorable outcome
n. the greatest damage or wickedness of which one is capable
n. the weakest effort or poorest achievement one is capable of
v. defeat thoroughly


1.They were the worst and their son, the worst of the worst.

他们坏透了 他们的儿子就更坏了

2.She’s the worst, and she brings out the worst in you.

她最坏了 她还把你最坏的一面激出来

3.we’ve been looking for the worst of the worst.


4.So if you need to do your worst, do your worst.

如果你要下狠手 那就来吧

5.What’s left on that fort are the worst of the worst.


6.If the worst comes to the worst, do not fear for me.

即使出现最坏的情况 也别为我担心

7.I have seen the worst in people, the worst in myself.

我见过人性之丑恶 我自己的丑恶一面

8.When it comes to witches, they’re the worst of the worst.


9.They bring in the worst of the worst to play.


10.And the worst of the worst that we hunt down would go free.

最糟的结果就是我们的追捕行动 会付诸东流
