
n. 木炭
[化] 木炭

n. a carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of air
n. a stick of black carbon material used for drawing
n. a very dark grey color
n. a drawing made with a stick of black carbon material


1.Fine, it has a charcoal filter in it.

好啦 里面有个木炭屁味过滤器

2.It’s only cloudy like that because of the charcoal.

因为木炭含量过高 所以水有点浑浊

3.Perhaps you would prefer the charcoals more.


4.This is on charcoal braziers with a fan blowing through.


5.She’s watching the charcoal tonight in the woods.


6.Pumped her stomach and given her charcoal.

给她洗了胃 然后用了活性炭

7.They had just progressed from charcoals to oil paints.

那时他们刚学完炭笔 开始画油画

8.But when it is added to the sulphur and charcoal in our vats, it is anything but.

但把它放进我们这些装着硫和木炭的桶里 它就威力无比

9.Yeah, it’s activated charcoal, that means it’s working.

对 是活性炭 刺痛说明有用

10.All through the city you can ell charcoal and pork and seafood.

