
n. 脚后跟, 踵, 后部, 倾侧
vt. 尾随, 装以鞋跟, 倾侧, 追赶
vi. 紧随, 用脚后跟传球

n. the bottom of a shoe or boot; the back part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground and provides elevation
n. the back part of the human foot
n. one of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread
n. the lower end of a ship’s mast


1.They’re this pair of 2inch heels, navy blue, and the toe and the heel are caked in dirt.

深蓝色五厘米高的高跟鞋 鞋尖和鞋跟上沾满了泥土

2.Run with me! I’m in heels, hold on.

跟我来 我穿着高跟鞋 等等

3.Doing what we do, you’d think she’d be better in heels.


4.She said you were on her heel when she came out.


5.I would have just left. In these heels.


6.And on the heels of it, my hu and died.

而紧接着 我丈夫去世了

7.Weight on your toe, not on your heel.

要把重心放在脚尖上 而不是脚跟

8.Keep your heels down so he don’t unload you.

脚跟向下 这样它就不会把你甩下来

9.If you don’t do the heel like that, it won’t support it.

要是鞋跟不做成这样 根本支撑不了

10.He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head.

他非常非常像我 从脚跟到头顶
