
n. 婚姻, 结婚, 婚礼, 合并
[医] 婚姻, 结婚

n. the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce)
n. two people who are married to each other
n. the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony
n. a close and intimate union


1.But what he said was that gay marriages threatens his marriage and all marriages.

但他说的是 同性婚姻威胁到了他的乃至所有人的婚姻

2.And the essence of marriage, the purpose of marriage as a social institution is to give expression to that telos and to honor that purpose, namely, the procreative purpose of marriage.

婚姻的本质 婚姻作为一种社会制度的目的 就是对那种宗旨做出表述 并赞赏那样的目的 也就是 繁衍的目的

3.marriage should work for us, not us for marriage.

婚姻应该为我们服务 而不是操纵我们

4.What do you know about my marriage? I know a lot about your marriage.

你知道什么 我知道的多了去

5.Her first marriage did not survive, nor did her second marriage.

她第一次婚姻没有成功 第二次也没有

6.My marriage our marriage, it doesn’t feel safe to me anymore.

我的婚姻 我们的婚姻 我不再感到安全了

7.And then there were those who defended same sex marriage and they contested that account of the purpose, or telos, of marriage arguing we don’t require as a condition of heterosexual marriage that couples be able or willing to procreate.

一些赞成同性婚姻的同学 辩论道 因为婚姻的目的 宗旨 并不要求男女结婚 一定可以或者愿意生育

8.A betrothal means a marriage, and this marriage means war.

婚约意味着婚事 而这桩婚事意味着战争

9.So what I would like to do now is to see, using the same sex marriage case, whether it’s possible to detach one’s use about the moral permissibility of homosexuality and about the purpose, the end of marriage, detach those questions from the question of whether the state should recognize same sex marriage or not.

所以我现在想做的是 以同性婚姻为例 看看是否可能 将人们利用同性恋的道德允许性 以及婚姻的目的 目标等问题 与国家是否该承认 同性婚姻的问题中分离出来

10.have asserted that permitting samesex marriage would contribute to the deinstitutionalization of marriage.

主张允许同性婚姻 会促成婚姻的去制度化
