
n. (日)道场;柔道训练学校


1.I didn’t like your chances at the dojo.


2.I said I would do yours, but not the whole dojo.

我说了我会洗你的 但没说洗全不道场的

3.Nobody’s going to your dojo. I’m not, nobody is.

没人会去你的道场 我不会去 也没人会去

4.Meet me at the dojo. I’ll explain everything.

来道场见我 我会解释一切

5.what I just saw, you didn’t learn that at your local dojo.

就我刚才所见 那绝不是找家当地武馆就能学会的

6.But once we find our new dojo, we gonna be dropping bombs.

等咱们找到新练功房 咱们就全力以赴

7.We need to figure out a way to get him back to the dojo.


8.You don’t get to make the decision on your own to turn this place into a dojo again.

你无权自己决定 重新把这里变成道场

9.That’s the dance studio/karate dojo next to the mattress store.

那是床垫商店旁边的 舞蹈室兼空手道武馆

10.I closed the dojo because I couldn’t be a part of sending anyone else to their grave.

我关闭道场 是因为我不想 再帮助其他人早进坟墓
