
a. 流产的, 中途失败的

v terminate before completion
v cease development, die, and be aborted
v terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion


1.Abortion… abortion is what pays for all of it, for you and your family.

堕胎 堕胎的费用支付了这一切 养活了你和你的家庭

2.She regrets an abortion and is suing the abortion clinic.

她后悔去堕了胎 现在准备告堕胎诊所

3.I actually learned a lot about abortion, and I just had an abortion.

我真的对堕胎有了更多了解 我才刚刚堕完胎

4.We need to abort. If we abort now, we’ll never get another shot at this. It’s now or never.

我们得终止手术 现在终止的话 我们就再也没机会了 机不可失

5.So if you say, by making abortion legal, we’re saying it’s okay, as a society, collectively, we’re saying it’s okay with us in our society to abort a fetus.

所以如果将堕胎合法化 这意味着我们作为一个社会整体 认为这是合理的 我们能够接受我们社会中的成员 流掉胎儿

6.Because abortions are never committed prior to the sixth week of pregnancy, every child abortion kills is already so fully formed that her heart’s beating and her brain’s producing brain wave activity.

由于怀孕六周后 才能做流产 因此每次做流产杀死的 都是一个完全成形 拥有心跳的孩子 孩子的大脑已可以进行脑波活动

7.He put people in brain scanners, and he found that sometimes, issues that are totally unrelated, like abortion and gun control, are actually deeply related in the brain, so he mounted this furious argument on abortion, and he wasn’t able to get his subjects to move an inch.

他让人进行大脑扫描 发现有时候 完全无关的事情 比如堕胎与 管控 在大脑中其实是深度相关的 所以他对堕胎发起激烈争论 然后在这方面毫无进展

8.That’s what the abort codes are for.


9.They argue over whether she should have an abortion.


10.Cyrus, we are not leaking the abortion.

塞勒斯 我们不能把堕胎这消息放出去
