
n. 杰出典范, 完人, 完美之物

n. an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept


1.The world thinks you’re a paragon of virtue.


2.No doubt a paragon of honesty and integrity.


3.What a paragon! I’m almost ready to vote for him myself.

堪称典范啊 我都想给他投票了

4.And then he picked me because I am a paragon of business ethics.

然后他选了我 因为我是商业道德的模范

5.Yes, you are a paragon of mental health.

是的 你是身心健康的典范

6.So the paragon of courage is apparently afraid of yardwork.

勇气完人很明显 不愿意做园艺

7.I don’t know about hope, but you’re definitely the paragon of pep talks.

我不知道怎样算是希望完人 但你绝对是鼓舞人心的高手

8.The paragon of honor just meditates for hours on end.

荣誉完人也只是在连续不停地 冥想

9.One conversation with you and I’m suddenly a paragon of legal ethics.

和你谈了次话 突然之间我就成了法律道德的典范

10.At least I think it is. I’ve never actually built a paragon detector before.

至少我觉得是这样 我从来没有 造过完人探测器
