
a. 考虑过的, 被尊重的

s. carefully weighed


1.So will you consider me? I will consider you.

你愿意考虑一下我吗 我会考虑你的

2.Consider… consider how little that money means to you.


3.When considering an ally, it’s important to consider the baggage they bring with them.

如果考虑结盟 我们必须考虑他们带来的负面影响

4.I have been considering this for a while.


5.And because of me, he’s considering you.

因为我 他在考虑你来演

6.Doctor, I want you to know that I don’t consider you an enemy, and I don’t consider you bad.

醫生 我希望你明白 我不是視你為敵人 也不是覺得你是壞人

7.Some people not me, of course might consider that ingratitude, considering all I’ve done for you, all I’m still doing for you.

有些人 当然不包括我了 可能会觉得这样很忘恩负义 毕竟我已经为你做了那么多 现在还在为你做很多

8.I think he considered me, uh, capricious and superficial and I considered him a pompous ass.

我觉得他认为我既反复无常又肤浅 而我认为他是个自以为是的

9.What we consider our family and what the law considers family may be two different things.

我们眼中的家庭 和法律定义的家庭 也许是两个概念

10.It’s an unfair sacrifice, but one you may want to consider, one that I’d advise you to consider if I still worked for you.

這種犧牲很不公平 但是這個建議你們應該考慮一下 如果我還為您效力的話 我會建議您考慮一下
