
n. 饲养者, 供给者, 奶瓶
[化] 给料器

n. an animal being fattened or suitable for fattening
n. a branch that flows into the main stream
n. an animal that feeds on a particular source of food


1.But while you’re progressing, he’s still the feeder.

但是在你处理的时候 他依然是主动者

2.I’ll bring the feeder mice by tomorrow.


3.We have a hummingbird feeder and we kill people.

我们有蜂鸟喂食器 我们还杀人呢

4.We killed the birds by poisoning our feeders.

我們給飼料下毒 殺死了那些鳥

5.And fortunately, the monkeys aren’t the neatest of feeders.

幸好 猴子吃东西时不够干净利索

6.Blockage is down this main shaft and up a feeder tunnel.

顺着主管道下去 支线下水道上游 就是堵塞的地方

7.He hates ’em for getting into his bird feeders.


8.The ones I dusted were weakwilled bottom feeders.

我杀的都是意志薄弱的 吸血鬼

9.Organic, coming through feeder tubes from all over the ship.

有机物 来自星舰各处的供料管道

10.I may get another hummingbird feeder for out here.

