
n. 午后, 下午

n. the part of the day between noon and evening


1.But, lately, dinner has become afternoon and afternoon has become lunch.

但最近 晚饭变成了下午茶 下午茶变成了午饭

2.By the afternoon, she’s very tired, so perhaps you have a patient who prefers taking an afternoon slot.

她下午时都很累了 或许你这里有更喜欢下午来的病人

3.It’s afternoon rehearsals and evening rehearsals, and you know I teach piano in the afternoons and evenings.

下午要排练 傍晚也要排练 你知道我下午和傍晚是要教钢琴课的

4.He goes number one first thing in the morning, then again in the afternoon, once more in the late afternoon, say 4:00, 4:30, depending on his juice intake, and then, a quick piddle before bedtime.

他早上第一件事就是要上小号 下午再一次 傍晚在一次 大概4点4点半 看他喝了多少果汁 然后睡前再一小泡

5.But if you are, I’m free this afternoon.

但如果想去 我今天下午就有空

6.It was there this afternoon. I saw it.

今天下午都还在 我看到了的

7.All I did was be short with her this afternoon.


8.Again, your evaluation isn’t until this afternoon.

再说一遍 你的评估要到下午才开始

9.Thank you for what you did this afternoon.


10.That you came up with this afternoon.

