
n. 筒仓, 青贮窖
[机] 储仓

n. a cylindrical tower used for storing silage
n. military installation consisting of an underground structure where ballistic missiles can be stored and fired


1.See, the more the silo tilts, the more the pounds per square inch of pressure the trucks need to counterbalance, and with their horsepower, if the silo drops even four degrees more, it falls.

这个筒仓越倾斜 卡车需要平衡的压强 就越大 以卡车的马力来说 如果筒仓再倾斜四度 就会倒下了

2.And your father was locked up in that silo.


3.They secured the silo, but everyone was gone.

他们控制了发射井 但那些人都走了

4.You almost died in that silo but I got you out.

你差点死在了发射井里 是我救了你

5.Your missile silo is not marked on the map.


6.So you did work at a government missile silo.


7.That’s the way out, but there’s an old silo at the end, and you have to climb up.

那边是出口 但是路尽头有一个旧筒仓 必须得爬上去才行

8.Lately we’ve been talking about converting it into a missile silo.

最近我们有在商量 把电梯改造成导弹发射井

9.There’s a series of vehicles heading to the property with the silo.

有好几辆车 正向发射井开去

10.We’ll have to stabilize the silo or it’ll fall in before we’re done.

我们必须稳定筒仓 不然它在我们完工前就会塌下来
