
n. 转向, 回车道, 转变
[化] 小修; 预防(性)修理

n. time need to prepare a vessel or ship for a return trip
n. an area sufficiently large for a vehicle to turn around
n. act or process of unloading and loading and servicing a vessel or aircraft for a return trip


1.They do turnarounds from the inside out.


2.But in recent years, there’s been a remarkable turnaround.

但近几年来 事情的发展有了一个大转变

3.They use the abandoned stations for turnarounds.


4.such a quick turnaround on our expedited request.


5.Use the handbrake, fight the turnaround on the up.


6.We’re looking to do a renovation, a fourmonth turnaround.

我们想做一次全面改造 花费四个月的时间

7.Quite a turnaround for a company that wasn’t exactly soaring.

对于一个没有高速发展的公司 这次转型幅度可不小啊

8.Teachers, please don’t park in the bus turnaround.

老师们 请不要在公车回车道上停车

9.I can guarantee distribution and a fast turnaround deal.

我跟你们保证 分账到手非常快

10.I’ll be checking in every month, and I expect to see a turnaround.

我每个月来检查一次 我希望能看到改善
