
n. 招聘人员, 征兵人员

n. someone who supplies members or employees
n. an official who enlists personnel for military service


1.So it’s as if they recruited each other.


2.You recruit him to get to the next guy, then you watch him, and you recruit him, and so on, and so forth.

你利用他来找到下一个人 然后你盯住那人 再招安他 以此类推 循环往复

3.When we recruit sources, we pull them in with a sin, something they’ll do anything to keep buried, but when you cross the line, you recruit yourself.

我们招纳线人时 会利用他们的罪行 他们不惜代价去要掩盖的事 当你越界时 你自己就成为那样的人了

4.I just want each one to be treated with love and dignity, not with hatred, not with raids, accusing them of recruiting and accusing them of…of recruiting children.

我只希望每位同志都被爱 被尊重 而不是被嫌被打击 被指控结党营私 或是招徕追随者

5.The more they kill, the more they recruit.

被杀死的人越多 大军就越壮大

6.We have no agenda, we’re not recruiting.

我们没有宗教行为 我们不招募教众

7.You pulled me out of it when you recruited me.

你招纳了我 把我拯救了出来

8.For the unsub’s recruitment, but it wasn’t.

本应是天堂般的存在 但实则不然

9.You were lost before we recruited you.

我们招募你之前 你都迷失了

10.After he was discharged, I recruited him.

他被开除以后 我招募了他
